Thursday 6 July 2017

A Whisper: A Letter #4

* A Letter is a heartfelt series of self-expression in the form of messages, written through the outpouring of emotions, feelings, experiences, and things that the writer cares about, but with an added twist and some creative exploration of each theme or topic. Though it may not mean that they are completely one hundred percent the truth, they are one hundred percent what the writer wishes to convey; and that makes them truer than any other versions of the truth, don't you think? *

Humans, we're curious creatures, aren't we? 

It is so easy to small-talk and banter our way through the day, but what we say is seldom the words that we most want to express. We connect with others by learning their beats, and while that is a beautiful thing about us, we often keep our own melodies trapped between the five lines: fear of judgement, self-consciousness, paranoia of rejection, tainted experiences and fluctuating self-esteem. 

We thank those who we are merely acquaintances with, but don't relay our gratitude towards those who are closest to us. We spend time with the people we see five days a week, but our fingers falter upon the name on the screen of our phones, the name of the person whom we may not see again in months, perhaps even years. We chat up old friends we've never bothered talking to until we bump into them randomly in a cafe after ten years, but can't muster up the courage to strike a conversation with those who fill us with a warmth like no other. We voice our honest opinions and passions before a crowd of strangers, but never get around to tell the truth to those who most deserve to hear them. We hug people we meet for the first time, but let people who live in our thoughts day and night to leave without so much as a timid 'goodbye'. 

The facade we fabricate glitters in broad daylight, while the truth we hold is shoved beyond reach of a single beam.

So, allow me to ask this: why do we do this? Why do we not do what we should do, what we want to? Why do we leave things unsaid, misunderstandings unexplained, feelings unexpressed, mess untangled, and choices undecided until it is too late? Why do we let fear take the reins of our actions? What really holds us back?

Why do we leave till we're out of time to do what we should have been doing all along?

Consider this: if you only had three months left to live, what would you do? Will you make sure your family and friends know how much you appreciate them? Will you finally set out to chase your dreams and pursue your passions before time runs out? Will you tell the people you care for how you truly feel? Will you decide to stop going with the flow and to take things into your own hands? Will you set things right, once and for all?

Will you stop surviving, and start living?

If the answer bubbling in you is 'yes', then, the next question to ponder will be: why? Why will we only be brave enough to do the things we really want to do when the finishing line to our lives is in sight? Why are we not able to do it now, without the threat of oblivion hanging over us?
Should we? Do we? Will we?

If there's a whisper from deep inside you at this moment, if I may humbly offer my opinion, please listen to it. The answer in your heart is the right one. Follow it. Believe in your own heart's cry. 

Don't allow yourself excuses, nor regrets.

You got this.

Best regards,                 

A girl whose advice may not be sound, 
but has your best interests at heart. 

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